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TheraPlus Saint Louis Physical Therapy and Personal Training in Brentwood

How much will physical therapy cost?

It depends. The cost of physical therapy depends on who is paying. Every insurance company pays a different amount for physical therapy. The rate is based on the insurance company’s leverage in the marketplace and the therapy provider’s leverage in the marketplace.

We will check your benefits with your insurance company and learn your deductible, how many physical therapy visits you are allowed, and your co-payment and/or co-insurance? We should have this information before the start of treatment and can email you what we learn.

Based on results of a intake survey you will complete, we can make an estimate of how many visits it will take to recover.

If you have a significant deductible, our allowed amount is a fraction of the cost of other hospital-affiliated clinics in the St. Louis area.

If you have exhausted your benefits we can discuss our self-pay rates which are more reasonable than other clinics.

Call us at 314-821-8304 to get scheduled and begin the process.

TheraPlus Saint Louis Physical Therapy and Personal Training in Brentwood

2001 South Hanley Road
Suite 190
Saint Louis, MO 63144
phone: 314-821-8304
fax: 800-327-1957